Square Box Arrangements

Beautiful collection of our signature square box arrangements of eternal roses in different sizes and shapes made by our talented team with love and care. Square box arrangements of eternal roses will last years without any maintenance.

Box size: 3″x 3″ Single forever rose last years in acrylic box. Choose your rose...
Box size: 5” x5” 4 preserved roses any color in square acrylic box. You can...
Box size: 6” x 6” 9 roses last years in acrylic box. You can choose...
Box size: 6” x 6” 9 preserved roses will last years in acrylic box. You...
Box size: 7” x 7” 16 roses will last years in square box will last...
Box size:  7” x 7” 16 eternal mix roses of mix color in square velvet...
Box size: 7” x7” 16 preserved roses of 2 color in square velvet box. You...
Box size:  7” x 7” 16 eternal roses of mix color in square velvet box....
Box size: 10”x 10” Brickell 25 red roses in velvet square box will last years....
Box size: 10”x 10”x 7” 25 Preserved mix roses in square box will last years....
Box size: 10”x 10”x 7” 25 roses in velvet square box will last years. You...
Box size: 10”x 10”x 7” 25 preserved roses in square box will last years. You...
Box size: 10″x10″” 25 Preserved roses last years with Letter in square box. Please choose...
Box size: 10″x10″” 25 Preserved roses last years with Letter in White velvet square box....
Box size: 12”x12” Up to 49 preserved roses in square linen box. You can choose...
Box size: 12”x12” 49 roses in square Linen box last years. Malibu Heart roses in...
Box size: 12”x12” Up to 50 roses of any colors in square  linen box. You...
Box size: 12”x12” Up to 50 roses with Letter in square linen box will last...
Each Box size: 12”x 12″ 49 red roses in linen square box last years Ball...
Up to 53 roses ( 2 Square boxes with 16 roses each and 1 heart...
Showing 20 of 28.

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